Coaching Question of the Week: Self-care

Fight the Temptation

It’s not your job.

Go Big or Go Home. Or not?

Add, don’t subtract

What emotion are you rejecting and what do you think it’s trying to teach you?
Did you know all emotions are okay to feel? Emotions are not inherently problematic, but behavior stemming from our emotions certainly can be. Emotions, rather, are all allowed and acceptable, and are there to point us to something our body needs us to know.

Are you lazy?

We suffer more in imagination

It may actually be grief…

Why would a reasonable person…

It’s not your job.

It’s a lie.

Say the true thing.

It’s not okay. It’s not fine.

Don’t take yourself so seriously.

You survived

Are you a b*tch or…
The Weekend is not for Recovery

Don’t look at your neighbor’s paper