We suffer more in imagination

Show of hands for how many of us hesitate making the next move for fear of what others will think? Or perhaps you’ve convinced yourself someone is super furious with you because you said that awkward thing and now that’s all anyone can think about? 

Let me hook you up with a super helpful practice to unglue yourself. 

Whenever the internal narrative begins, ask yourself 2 things:

1. What historical evidence do I have to support this theory?

2. What’s the worst thing that could happen? 

Often, our imagination will convince us things are far worse than they really are, especially if we have anxiety. These simple questions can help us inject realistic perspective into the situation so we are more likely to move forward. 

Is this a tool you’ve used in your own life? Is there a situation you’re worrying over right now where you could use these questions? 

Always remember your growth is your responsibility and the minute we stop growing is the day we start dying. 

Time to move forward! 


Are you lazy?


It may actually be grief…