Are you lazy?

This time of year is always a bit weird. Most have wrapped the hustle and bustle of the holidays and we lumber between now and the new year. Already, you’re being inundated with messages about those New Year’s resolutions in a tone rife with hustle and urgency. If we aren’t careful, we can fall prey to feeling like we’re behind the 8-ball before we even begin. 

All of that sure can make us feel like we’ll never catch up. In addition, many have never fully reconciled childhoods where the act of not staying in constant motion was seen as lazy and unacceptable. 

What if, though, the laziness with which you shame yourself was actually rest needed to prepare your soul for the next season?

What if your inability to sit was actually your overwhelmed nervous system finally getting a chance to regulate? If you’ve never regulated it can feel super uncomfortable, by the way. 

So are you truly lazy or is this a chance to prepare? 

Rest is where the magic happens. Rest is where we recover. Rest is necessary.


What emotion are you rejecting and what do you think it’s trying to teach you?


We suffer more in imagination