What is one positive step you can take?

Have you ever heard of the fresh start effect?

It’s the explanation behind why we are so resolved to start that diet on Monday, the 1st day of a new month, or the first day of a new year. What happens after that though? Most find motivation dwindles and so does their effort.

What if you reclaimed your power and shifted your mindset to look at each day as a chance to try again? What if you simply looked at the moment in front of you asking yourself “what’s the most positive decision I can take right now?”

It’s true that life is made up of big moments and decisions. More importantly, however, it’s the micro moments and decisions that actually create the greatest change for better or for worse. This is that discipline I talked about earlier this week.

Today, what is the one teensy thing you can do for yourself? Is it getting up when your alarm clock first goes off? Taking a 5-10 minute walk after lunch? Choosing water over the next soda? Taking responsibility and putting yourself to bed with enough time to get a full night of sleep? Choosing to remind yourself you deserve the same amount of grace as everyone else you so freely give it to? Deep down, you know exactly what it is and you know exactly what you need to do to feel your best.


Perfection is Killing Your Progress


Discipline is an act of self-care